New Video | April Favourites 2015

April has been a whirlwind of a month. A lot has been going on in my head and in life. I also managed to try out new products here and there. If felt like a long time since I shook up my make up stash so that made me smile. 

This week video is the monthly round up. This is my favourite video to film because I can talk about all of my favourite things. There is a good mixed bag of things this month so I hope you enjoy. 

There is also a special announcement. I decided to do two extra videos a month. They will come out on a Wednesday and be like an extension of my my #WednesdayRamblings posts. These video will be something other than beauty or fashion. The first one is coming out in the first week May so keep an eye out for that! 

Hope you're all have a great day and like the video! Don't forget to subscribe and see you there same place, same time next week. 


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