The Sunday Post | My Week

Instagram Pictures: Filming Face, FOTD, Mascara Favourites, Spring Face (Click here if you want to see more.) 

Currently Reading: All I know now by Carrie Hope Fletcher
Currently Listening: Echo Smith
Currently Watching: Cougar Town, Made in Chelsea, The Grace Helbig Show

Blogs and Vlogs of the week
Hair Removal Chat with Kiesha - Lily Pebbles (#HairyGirlProblems)
What's in my Grandma Bag - EssieButton (Cutest Grandma ever)
New Product Update - PixiWoo (Always need a Sam and Nic fix)

How is nearly the end of April already? This month has flown by a lot more faster than most months don't you think?

Anyway, this week kicked off as most weeks do, I went to work and I planned out the rest of my posts for the week.

Tuesday was an extra special day. I got to see my friend Katie. We have been friends for at least 4 years now but lived in separate towns, so we hardly got to see each other. She recently moved to my home town so naturally we had to meet up. We went for dessert and a long catch up. We were in the place for at least an hour and a half just talking about life. We could have literally stayed there forever just laughing. I took her to this candy store and we spent a half an hour there browsing in awe of all the variations of Jolly Ranchers and American sweets they have. It is literally candy heaven.

The rest of the week was pretty much just working. I also caught up on some blogs and for some reason the time just flew by. I am not sure why exactly. Just one of those things. I was really looking forward to Thursday. Two things happened: Carrie Hope Fletcher released her book All I know now and Avengers - The age of Ultron also came out in cinemas.

I bought the book and fell in love with it. Carrie is an incredible writer. Her book is easy to read, intelligent and so much more.

On Friday my dad and I went to go see Avengers and Oh my goodness, the film was incredible. I spoke about it in this weeks video. I was in awe of everything, the production, cinematography, the acting, the story. Joss Whedon is an absolute genius.

Next week my best friend is back in town and I am so excited.

How was your week?

Lots of love

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